

Virtual Camps

Our online classes provide the same educational value and fun as the in-person classes with the convenience of taking place in your home! From writing and movie-making to coding and history-based classes, students can learn a variety of skills and information to help them excel in their studies. Classes have students working on more intricate projects over the course of a week, allowing them to take home a digital creation. Classes take place at convenient times, making it easy for you to find the best class for your student.

In-person Summer Camp

These summer camps teach students to be a mathematician and engineer

In our Escape Room class, students can learn how to engineer their own escape room using blocks and redstone in Minecraft. 

Game Design STEM Camps

Students will work with game design learning coaches to design a core game idea, including story, mechanics and other game elements.

Using various art tools, students will create game art for character sprites, backgrounds and gaming interfaces.

Students will learn the basics of programming/coding using GameMaker, working with coaches to code and test their own video games.

Students will playtest each others' game mechanics, learning problem-solving skills as they encounter and fix bugs and glitches in the software.