PDL Coding Class with Minecraft: Level 2

Students will learn PDL Code, a language created by our company to work seamlessly with Minecraft and introduce the basics of coding. Using core elements from other popular languages such as Java or C++, PDL Code has its own console where students program outside of Minecraft to make things happen on our very own secure server. They can affect the game world or make their character move just by using code.

Students are expected to understand the basics of using a computer, including switching between windows and using a mouse. It is also intended for intermediate Minecraft players; they should at least know the basic controls and concepts. However, the only programming knowledge required is that from level 1! We will go more in-depth in this level, including randomness, vectors, and more complicated loops and variables. Each topic has special challenges where the student can create their own programs, such as making a diamond finder.

In this class, students will learn even more about the basics of programming in Minecraft! In order to take this class, students must have taken PDL Coding Level 1.