Survival Minecraft 2: From the Wither to the Warden

Have you played Minecraft Survival before and always wanted to face the Wither and power up a beacon? What about raiding the Woodland Mansion, or taking on the Warden? In this class, students will work as a team to encounter various aspects of Minecraft Survival and acquire the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to explore and conquer every dimension! Each day, students are given the instruction and resources to take on some of Survival Minecraft’s most exciting bosses and fortresses. Class will begin with a guided lesson and end with the completion of a major goal in the game.

We strongly encourage students to have some experience with crafting, mining, and fighting mobs in Minecraft Survival. If your student is not familiar with Minecraft Survival, they are invited to take our previous class, Survival Minecraft Camp: Journey to the Ender Dragon! which has been tailored for beginner students. The ultimate expeditions of the game await! Are you ready to go on quests beyond the Ender Dragon?